Are you looking for a rental property in the Achterhoek?
At Home in the Achterhoek you will find the available housing stock offered by the affiliated corporations ProWonen, Sité Woondiensten, Wonion, Woonzorg Nederland and De Woonplaats in the Achterhoek.
- After logging in once with your username and password, you can easily log in the next time with a number code, facial recognition or fingerprint
- Respond to desired homes, garages or parking spaces
- Follow homes you have responded to
- Receive a notification of new interesting offers
- When a file is added to an advertisement, it is possible to zoom in on the file
- Various minor optimizations and bug fixes
In the photo view of the offer, the images were not always shown. This has been fixed.
Various optimizations and bug fixes
This release contains the fix for the problem that advertisements that match your filters are also shown in the filtered out offer.
A fix has been implemented for new users who have not set the Dutch language as the preferred language on their phone
- Various optimizations for setting the filters
- Various minor optimizations